Practical, scientifically based knowledge and
DIY essential oil solutions to everyday problems.
Using essential oils made easy and fun
Is there a topic you are curious about not listed in the courses?
1:1 coaching is available
if you desire individualized education
Are you feeling overwhelmed with tiny amber bottles full of aromatic goodness and don't know where to start? Develop practical knowledge and use your essential oils with confidence!
Essential oils are concentrated, powerful substances that can cause sensitization, drug interactions and unwanted effects when used incorrectly. Develop an understanding of how to mitigate these risks.
Good Stewardship
A lot of plant material goes into extracting essential oil making good stewardship necessary to ensure sustainability.
Hi, I’m Becca
I began using essential oils as a teen in the 1990's when I discovered them in a local herb shop. Though they were branded as "witchcraft" by my parents, I studied and experimented with them using Valerie Ann Worwood's first edition of The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy as inspiration. My passion for using aromatherapy never waned, it has only magnified as I learned to adeptly use them in all facets of my life. To the point my daughter had no idea what "neo.. erm, uh.. spore-INE?" was as she packed her first aid kit for her first summer camp. Frustrated by the contradictory, confusing, and often dangerous information about essential oils spread across the internet, I earned her Diploma of Aromatherapy at the American College of Healthcare Sciences in 2020 and am certified as a level 2 Professional Aromatherapist by the National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy. I have a passion for good stewardship and safe use of essential oil and enjoy teaching others practical and sustainable ways to incorporate aromatherapy into their lives while understanding risk management and considering alternatives resources that may be more appropriate. After all, there is NOT always an oil for that!
Raised in the Pacific Northwest, I am also a massage therapist. I appreciate the powerful results aromatherapy brings to my practice as well as witty humor and the beauty of Nature. I can often be found poking around tide pools on the West Coast, adventuring, and camping where ever the wind takes me with my husband and two daughters.